The issue of reconciling work and life is occupying a significant space in public debate. Increasingly, there is a lack of opportunities for a balance between professional commitments and personal/family life, with consequent limitations in achieving goals.
The project proposed by the companies of the Fileni Platform, funded by the #Conciliamo Call, aims to structure multiple actions consistent with the theme of reconciling work and family life.
Sub-measure 16.1 - Support for the creation and operation of EIP operational groups.
Action 2 "Financing of Operational Groups".
EAFRD - European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe invests in rural areas.
Sub-measure 16.1 - Support for the creation and operation of EIP operational groups.
Action 2 "Financing of Operational Groups".
FEASR – Fondo europeo agricolo per lo sviluppo rurale: l’Europa investe nelle zone rurali
Società Agricola Biologica Fileni srl
Località Cerrete Collicelli N° 8
62011 Cingoli (MC)
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