In our recipe book we have proposed to you infinite ways to cook chicken, trying to surprise you with original and trendy combinations every time. However, so to make your chicken less banal, you can rely on a special and very creamy ally. Discover with us the best four sauces to go with chicken.
- Barbecue sauce
An unforgettable preparation, excellent especially if paired with hamburgers, sausages and succulent barbecues: it’s the barbecue sauce, undoubtedly the queen of sauces to pair with chicken.
It is made by browning minced onion and garlic in butter and combining them to vinegar, tomato sauce, a teaspoon of mustard and a pinch of chili pepper at the end of cooking. Once strained, it has to be then enriched with tabasco and Worcester sauce. And of course, salt and pepper.
And for an extra touch you can also add Curry sauce on top. In this way you are going to obtain a sauce similar to the one that, in Germany, goes with tasty sausages and gives shape to the typical dish “Curry Wurst”. - Tzatziki sauce Are you familiar with the tzatziki sauce? Surely you are. We are talking about a fantastic and very fresh Greek preparation made from yoghurt, cucumber and garlic. Like many other sauces, the Tzatziki too is perfectly suitable to go with chicken. If it's a chicken salad, even better. In any case we have experimented with it with the Skewered Goodness. Discover the recipe now.
- Tartar Sauce
Anche la tartara è un classica salsa da abbinare al pollo. Ricorda vagamente la maionese perché si prepara usando tuorli sia freschi sia sodi abbinati ad aceto di vino bianco, olio, cetriolini, dragoncello, capperi, prezzemolo, sale e pepe. Alcuni aggiungono anche olive tritate o un cucchiaino di senape. In ogni caso, qualunque sia la variante scelta, l’appetito sarà appagato. - Green Sauce
Tasty on top of a pan-cooked chicken breast, fantastic if it’s alongside smoking kebabs: the green sauce is a typical recipe from Piedmont that you can also use to accompany boiled meat and cheese.
It is made by combining anchovies and capers, garlic, parsley, hard-boiled egg yolks, vinegar, the soft part of stale bread and EVO olive oil. And, as always, salt and pepper to taste. Try it on Bruschette, it is going to impress you!