A new good news in the mark of sustainability, much awaited by those who care the most about the environment, is our latest novelty. In line with our personal vision and with your requests (many of you have asked us to do more for the world around us, starting from the packaging of our products), we have chosen a new compostable packaging and a brand-new label for our Antibiotic Free products.
Respecting nature is part of our nature
Sostenibilità e circolarità sono i valori che da sempre fanno parte del nostro DNA. Lo hanno dimostrato, lo scorso novembre, anche il convegno “Il mondo che vorrei” e la presentazione del nostro Bilancio si Sostenibilità.
Riuso e riciclo, basso impatto ambientale e la realizzazione di un equilibrio costante tra energie e materie consumate e restituite all’ambiente sono le parole chiave che guidano i nostri sforzi quotidiani. Perché crediamo fortemente che l’economia circolare non sia una moda ma l’unica scelta possibile per preservare il pianeta.
The importance of a sustainable packaging
Every day we search for innovative packaging solutions, analysing the characteristics of the best eco-friendly materials: constant and tireless work, which has led us to study a brand-new tray for our antibiotic free products. The new packaging is made from compostable materials (according to the UNI EN 13432 norm) and shall be entirely disposed of in the wet waste sorting. A great novelty that makes us proud of our commitment.
Il pack compostabile: uno sguardo da vicino
The packaging is made from the latest generation of bioplastics, obtained by processing natural materials such as starch, cellulose and vegetable oils found in corn, beetroot, sugar cane and other renewable materials. The label, instead, is made from Vellum biodegradable paper, an especially fine, smooth and very resistant type of parchment. This pernickety research for the best available materials has allowed us to create a packaging that revolutionises everyday actions, significantly cutting down the consumption of plastic in our kitchens.
The news? Told by a new label!
So to best enhance the extraordinary qualities of the Fileni antibiotic free products and the new packaging we have decided to renew our labels as well, emphasising certain important characteristics: free-range breeding, breeding without the use of antibiotics and the news regarding the packaging material. Above all, however, the commitment towards safeguarding the environment stands out, thanks to a claim that is a real challenge: Let's save the planet together! If the new packaging is environmentally friendly, the label is therefore disruptive and original, orientated to underline concepts that are dear to us and, from what we have listened to chatting with you online, dear to you too. And the novelties don't end here: there will be many more in autumn.
And now? You just have to discover this compostable novelty in your favourite retail store.